Apply to subdivide

You must apply for permission to subdivide if you want to:

  • consolidate two lots into one
  • split one property into two or more lots
  • adjust or re-align existing property boundaries

Before applying to subdivide, you need to submit a preliminary development application. Start by discussing your project with our Development Planners. They can tell you if your request is likely to be successful.

How to apply

Before you submit your application

  • Make sure you have addressed all of the issues listed in your preliminary application summary letter
  • Speak with a Development Planner to discuss how your project is evolving, and make sure you are ready to make your detailed application

Once you're ready to submit your application

You will need to follow these steps — in order — if you apply to subdivide.

Step What happens What you need
1. Application Submit your detailed application to the planning department
2. Staff review Staff from all relevant departments — and other agencies, if applicable — review your application and plans  
3. Public input Circulate information for public input Work with staff to assist in providing information to the public
4. Summary letter Staff identify all conditions and requirements that must be met before final approval  
5. Address conditions Address all conditions laid out in the summary  
6. Submit subdivision plans Once all conditions in your summary letter have been met, you can submit your final plans for approval.  
7. Subdivision plans signed If all conditions have been met, final approval is given and your plans are signed.  

How long does it take?

Timing depends on the complexity of your proposal, and the quality of your submission. If you prepare your application carefully, and talk to nearby property owners in advance, you can reduce processing time.

Simple subdivisions to create two lots generally take about six months. More complex subdivisions can take from six months to a year.


Learn about zoning and land use requirements

Our zoning, development permit area, and other guidelines help guide growth and development in the District, ensuring it is done in a sensitive and coordinated manner.

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